
About Dutt Adtech

Leading the Digital Transformation in Oil & Gas Operations

Welcome to Dutt AdTech Pvt Ltd., a forward-thinking tech firm with a focus on innovating and optimizing the industry. We provide a comprehensive range of solutions and products, meticulously designed to meet the ever-evolving needs of our diverse clientele. Our specialty lies in our Well Head Monitoring Solutions and Sucker Rod Pump (SRP) controllers, which are crafted to offer unrivalled efficiency in managing oil and gas operations.

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Delivering innovative AI and ML solutions that enhance industry efficiency and sustainability, fostering valuable partnerships with our clients.


We envisions becoming the global leader in driving technological transformation for enhanced safety, efficiency, and sustainability in the industry.


Dutt AdTech Pvt. Ltd. continually embrace new ideas and technologies to design advanced solutions for the ever-evolving oil and gas sector.

What We Serve

Our Products

Electronic Time Cycle Controller

Intelligent Gas Lift Controller

Intelligent Well Head Monitor

Intelligent Sucker Rod Pump Controller

What We Serve

Our Solutions

Advanced Cloud-Based Monitoring For Self And Gas Lift Wells

SRP Well Cloud-Base Monitoring Solution

Why Choose Us

Great Experience and Deep Industry Knowledge.

Let's Get Connect
  • Industry Expertise

    Benefit from our deep industry knowledge and experience. With years of expertise in the oil and gas sector, we understand your unique challenges and can provide tailored solutions that deliver results.

  • Technological Excellence

    Our cutting-edge technology solutions are designed to optimize your operations, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. Stay ahead of the curve with our innovative products and services.

  • Customer-Centric Approach

    We prioritize your needs and satisfaction. Our dedicated support team is available 24/7, ensuring that you receive personalized assistance and uninterrupted service whenever you require it. Your success is our priority.


Years of Experience